Update July Elephant Ears Taro Colocassia Plants UK
So an update on the TARO PROJECT is long overdue but here is the latest from the garden!
The wet and not so sunny start to this summer meant tropical plants like elephant ears, Musa and bananas were slow to get going.
However during the warmer weeks towards the end of June plants now springing in to action!
The colder and wetter conditions (and the fact that I placed some of the bulbs outside too early for this year) meant we did loose a few - some failing to shoot and just rotting away.
But most of the larger tubers have produced some strong looking plants - please see recent pics...
a couple of the tiny bulbs that were placed in the pond filter tray are also looking good! - these plants do well in wet and even partially submerged conditions as long as its warmer.
Interestingly some of the larger elephant ears seem to have red coloured stems - not sure what species exactly but will see if can identify.
Anyway here's some photos of the collocassia and some other snaps from around the garden.
progress early July
big one growing in large pot amongst some other flowers..
more photos to follow........